Can links to references and citations be configured to provide additional context or metadata in DITA?

Configuring links to references and citations in DITA can be enhanced by providing additional context or metadata. This added information offers readers a better understanding of the linked content and its relevance. One way to achieve this is by using the <prop> element within a DITA link. The <prop> element can include attributes such as platform, audience, or product, providing context for the link. These attributes can be used to specify the intended audience or the platform for which the linked content is applicable.

By configuring links with metadata, organizations can tailor content for different audiences or platforms while maintaining a single source of truth. This flexibility ensures that readers receive the most relevant information, improving the overall user experience. Below is an example of a DITA link with metadata:

<p>For detailed information on product specifications, refer to the <xref href="product_spec.dita">product specifications</xref>.</p>

In this example, the <xref> element links to a DITA document about product specifications. To provide additional context, you can configure the link as follows:

<p>For detailed information on product specifications for Windows users, refer to the <xref href="product_spec.dita">product specifications</xref>.<prop platform="Windows" /></p>

The added <prop> element specifies that the linked content is intended for Windows users, offering valuable context and ensuring that the reference remains accurate and useful.