Can links be used to provide citations, sources, or references to external documents or standards in DITA?

Indeed, in DITA XML, you can effectively use links to provide citations, sources, or references to external documents or standards. This is a valuable feature for creating documentation that relies on external sources for references, sources, or further reading. The <xref> element plays a key role in linking to external documents or standards. You can specify the target URL or location using the href attribute, and provide a title or label for the link to make it meaningful to users.

For instance, you can link to a relevant external standard by using the <xref> element in your DITA content, like this:

<p>Our product adheres to the <xref href="" scope="external">Standard 123</xref> for quality assurance.</p>

In this example, “Standard 123” is a link to an external PDF document at “” This allows users to easily access and reference external standards or documents within the context of your DITA documentation.