Can images be tagged or categorized for easy retrieval in DITA?

In DITA, images can be tagged or categorized with metadata, allowing for easy retrieval and management. This categorization enhances content organization and retrieval efficiency.

Images in DITA can be tagged or categorized using metadata. This practice is highly beneficial for content management, especially in scenarios where a large number of images are used across various topics and publications.

This process involves metadata for images, categorization, efficient retrieval, and consistency.

Metadata for Images

DITA allows associating metadata with images. This metadata can include information such as image descriptions, keywords, categories, copyright details, and more. By providing metadata, the images are tagged with valuable information.


Metadata enables categorizing images based on various criteria. For example, images can be categorized by topic, product, version, or any other relevant classification. Categories make it easier to locate images when needed.

Efficient Retrieval

When an image is needed in a topic or publication, they can be searched or filtered based on their metadata. This efficient retrieval process ensures that the right image is selected for the content, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.


Metadata also supports consistency. When images are categorized and include standardized metadata, a uniform approach to image usage throughout the documentation is promoted.


A manufacturer of industrial machinery uses DITA for documentation. In their image library, they categorize images by machine type, part names, and maintenance procedures. Each image is tagged with metadata describing its purpose, such as “Machine A Maintenance,” “Gearbox Assembly,” or “Safety Procedures.” When a technical writer needs to include images in a maintenance manual for a specific machine, they filter the image library based on the machine type and maintenance category. This approach ensures that the right images are selected, maintaining consistency and making the documentation process efficient.