Can DITA support real-time updates and synchronization of pharmaceutical terminology databases?

Enabling real-time updates and synchronization of pharmaceutical terminology databases is a valuable capability in the context of DITA XML. This feature ensures that the most current and accurate pharmaceutical terminology is readily available to content creators and readers. Here are some considerations on how DITA can support real-time updates and synchronization:

Dynamic Terminology Integration

DITA allows for the integration of dynamic terminology sources. Instead of embedding static definitions within your content, you can establish links to external terminology databases or services. These links can be configured to retrieve real-time data when a document is accessed or when updates occur in the source database. This approach ensures that pharmaceutical terminology is always up-to-date.

API Integration

Another way to achieve real-time updates is through API integration. DITA XML can be integrated with APIs provided by pharmaceutical terminology providers. When a DITA document is opened or generated, it can make API calls to retrieve the latest terminology data. This ensures synchronization with the source system and guarantees that the content reflects the most recent industry terminology.


Here’s a simplified example of how DITA can support real-time updates through API integration:

<topic id="pharmaceutical_terminology">
  <title>Pharmaceutical Terminology</title>
    <p>For the latest pharmaceutical terminology, refer to thePharmaTerms API**.

</content> <api-integration> <api-endpoint></api-endpoint> <update-frequency>daily</update-frequency> </api-integration>

In this example, the DITA topic contains a link to the PharmaTerms API, which provides real-time pharmaceutical terminology data. The “update-frequency” attribute indicates how often the data should be refreshed.