Can DITA-specific terminology databases be created for translation tools?

Creating DITA-specific terminology databases for translation tools is a valuable practice to ensure accurate and consistent translations across DITA documents. These databases, often referred to as termbases or terminology glossaries, contain specialized terminology relevant to your organization, products, or industry. Here’s how DITA-specific terminology databases can be established for translation tools:

Terminology Extraction

Terminology databases are typically created by extracting key terms and phrases from existing DITA documents. This involves identifying words or phrases that are specific to your domain or product, such as product names, technical jargon, or industry-specific acronyms. Once extracted, these terms are compiled into a database with their corresponding translations in the target languages.

Consistency and Accuracy

Terminology databases play a critical role in maintaining translation consistency and accuracy. When translating DITA content, translators can reference these databases to ensure that the same terminology is used consistently throughout all documents. This consistency is especially important in technical documentation, where precision and uniformity in language are paramount for clear communication.


Here’s an example of how a DITA-specific terminology database can be structured for translation tools:

  <term id="product_name">
    <source>Product Name</source>
    <translation lang="de">Produktname</translation>
    <translation lang="fr">Nom du produit</translation>
  <term id="acronym">
    <translation lang="de">Schnittstelle</translation>
    <translation lang="fr">Interface</translation>

In this example, the terminology database includes entries for “Product Name” and “API,” each with translations in German and French. Translators can use this database to ensure that these terms are consistently and accurately translated across all DITA documents.