Can DITA specializations include unique indexing rules and conventions?

DITA specializations can indeed include unique indexing rules and conventions, allowing organizations to tailor their indexing strategies to specific needs. These specialized indexing rules define how content should be indexed, what elements should be considered for indexing, and how index terms should be formatted.

Unique Indexing Rules

When creating DITA specializations, organizations can define unique indexing rules that go beyond the standard DITA guidelines. For example, a legal documentation specialization may include rules for indexing specific legal terms, cases, or statutes in a particular format. These rules can ensure that legal documents are indexed comprehensively and in a way that aligns with legal industry standards.

Custom Indexing Conventions

DITA specializations also allow organizations to establish custom indexing conventions. For instance, a scientific research specialization may introduce conventions for indexing complex formulas, equations, or scientific symbols. This ensures that scientific content is indexed accurately, making it easier for researchers and scientists to access relevant information.


Here’s an example of how DITA specializations can include unique indexing rules and conventions:

<topic id="legal_document">
  <title>Legal Document</title>
    <title>Unique Indexing Rules</title>
    <p>This section outlines the specialized indexing rules for legal documents.

<indexing-rules> <term>Statute of Limitations</term> <format>Italicized and in square brackets</format> </indexing-rules> </section> <content>... <index> <indexterm>Legal terms, specialized rules</indexterm> <indexterm>Statute of Limitations</indexterm> </index>

In this example, a DITA specialization for legal documents introduces unique indexing rules and conventions, including the formatting of the “Statute of Limitations” term, which is italicized and enclosed in square brackets.