Can DITA specializations be validated as part of automated build and publishing processes?

DITA specializations can indeed be validated as part of automated build and publishing processes. Here’s an explanation of this process:

Automated Validation: Automated build and publishing processes often include a validation step, where DITA content, including specializations, is checked for compliance with the defined standards, schemas, and customizations. This automated validation ensures that only valid content is included in the published output, reducing the risk of errors and inconsistencies.

Integration with Build Process: DITA specializations are integrated into the automated build and publishing pipeline through the use of validation tools and scripts. These tools check the DITA content against the relevant DTDs or schemas, ensuring that it conforms to the specified rules and customizations.

Error Handling: In case of validation errors, automated processes can be configured to handle them in different ways, such as generating error reports, logging issues, or halting the build process until errors are resolved. This ensures that non-compliant content is not published.

Benefits: Automating specialization validation as part of the build and publishing process offers several advantages. It streamlines the content production workflow, reduces the risk of manual errors, enforces adherence to standards, and ensures that only quality, compliant content reaches the audience.


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    <topicref href="specializations/software.dita"/>