Can DITA specialization modules be reused across different defense projects?

Reusing DITA specialization modules across different defense projects is a practical approach to improve efficiency and consistency in documentation efforts. These specialization modules are designed to encapsulate industry-specific knowledge and standards, making them valuable assets that can be leveraged in multiple projects within the defense sector.

Benefits of Reuse

The reuse of DITA specialization modules offers several advantages. Firstly, it ensures consistency in documentation by providing predefined structures and elements specific to defense requirements. Secondly, it saves time and effort as authors can utilize existing modules instead of recreating content from scratch. This is particularly beneficial when dealing with similar types of documents across different projects, such as security assessments or compliance reports. Thirdly, it enhances compliance as these modules are designed to align with industry standards, ensuring that documentation consistently meets regulatory requirements.


Here’s an example of how a DITA specialization module can be reused across different defense projects:

  <documentation-module specialization="security">
    <title>Security Assessment Report</title>

  <documentation-module specialization="security">
    <title>Security Compliance Report</title>

In this example, the same “security” specialization module is reused in two different defense projects, allowing for consistent and efficient documentation of security-related content.