Can DITA outputs be generated with debug information for specialized elements and attributes?

Specialized DITA outputs can indeed be generated with debug information for customized elements and attributes. This debug information is invaluable during the development and testing phases of DITA specializations. It enables developers to track and troubleshoot issues in the customized elements and attributes, ensuring that the specialized content functions as intended and is free from errors.

Debug information typically includes metadata and annotations that provide insights into the structure and behavior of specialized elements and attributes. These details can encompass the purpose, expected rendering, and usage guidelines for each customization. It helps content creators and developers understand how to work with these specialized elements and attributes effectively.


Consider a scenario where a company specializes its DITA content for software documentation. Debug information is added to the specialization to assist developers and content creators. Below is an example of how debug information might be structured:

  <element name="custom-note">
    <description>Custom Note Element</description>
        <purpose>Provides additional notes.</purpose>
        <content>Insert your note content here.</content>
        <styling>Use the note styling for consistency.</styling>

In this example, debug information is embedded within the customization for a “custom-note” element. It includes metadata on the purpose and rendering of the element, as well as usage guidelines for content and styling. This detailed information aids in specialization debugging and ensures that the specialized element is correctly utilized.