Can DITA facilitate the reuse of standardized policy modules across different departments and agencies?

Yes, DITA can facilitate the reuse of standardized policy modules across different departments and agencies within government organizations. This approach streamlines content creation and management while ensuring consistency and compliance with established standards and regulations.

Content Modularity

In DITA, policies and procedures can be broken down into modular components, allowing government agencies to create standardized policy modules that cover specific topics, such as data security, privacy, or accessibility. These modules can be designed to be self-contained and reusable. For instance, a “Data Security Policy” module can include all the necessary information and guidelines related to data security. This modularity allows different departments and agencies to select and reuse the relevant policy modules, ensuring that the content remains consistent and in line with established standards.

Conditional Processing

Conditional processing, a feature of DITA, can be used to tailor policy modules to specific department or agency requirements. For example, a policy module on data security may contain general information that is common to all agencies but can also include conditional sections that are specific to individual agencies’ needs. This way, the core content can be standardized and reused across various departments, while agency-specific details are added as needed. The use of conditional processing ensures that the final policy documentation remains relevant and customized to each department or agency’s context.


Here’s an example of how DITA can facilitate the reuse of standardized policy modules with conditional processing for different government departments:

<policy-module id="data-security">
  <title>Data Security Policy</title>
  <content>This is the common content shared across all agencies.</content>
  <agency-specific id="agency-a">
    <title>Agency A Specific</title>
    <content>This section contains agency-specific content for Agency A.</content>
  <agency-specific id="agency-b">
    <title>Agency B Specific</title>
    <content>This section contains agency-specific content for Agency B.</content>

In this example, a DITA policy module includes common content shared across all agencies and agency-specific sections using conditional processing. Different departments or agencies can reuse the common content while incorporating their specific details, ensuring consistent and tailored policy documentation.