Can DITA facilitate the reuse of standardized pharmacovigilance documentation modules across different safety assessments and post-marketing surveillance activities?

DITA XML plays a pivotal role in facilitating the reuse of standardized pharmacovigilance documentation modules across different safety assessments and post-marketing surveillance activities in pharmaceutical organizations. This structured approach streamlines the development of documentation while ensuring consistency and compliance.

Modular Documentation

Pharmaceutical organizations use DITA’s modular approach to create standardized documentation modules. These modules contain essential information, such as adverse event reporting procedures, safety signal evaluation criteria, and risk management plan components. Each module is created as a self-contained topic in DITA, making it easy to reuse them across various documents and activities.

Reusability Example:

Here’s an example of how DITA enables the reuse of standardized pharmacovigilance documentation modules:

<topic id="adverse-event-reporting">
  <title>Adverse Event Reporting</title>

In this DITA topic, the “Adverse Event Reporting” module is defined with its content. This module can be easily reused in different documents related to safety assessments, eliminating the need to recreate the same content.

Customization and Tailoring

While modules provide standardized content, DITA also allows for customization and tailoring. Organizations can create specialized documents by assembling and customizing modules to meet specific requirements for different safety assessments and regulatory submissions. This approach ensures that documentation remains compliant while adapting to the unique needs of each scenario.