Can DITA facilitate the localization and translation of maritime content for global markets and diverse language requirements?

Efficiently localizing and translating maritime content for global markets and diverse language requirements is a significant challenge. However, DITA XML offers features and practices that can facilitate this process, ensuring that content is accessible and comprehensible for a wide range of audiences.

Conditional Text

DITA allows for the use of conditional processing attributes, such as <prop action="translate">no</prop>, to mark content that should not be translated. For example, if certain technical terms or proper nouns should remain in their original language, these can be marked as non-translatable. This ensures that only specific portions of the content are subject to translation, streamlining the localization process.

Content Reuse for Translation Memory

Content reuse in DITA is beneficial for translation. When the same content appears in multiple documents, translation memory tools can recognize and reuse previously translated segments, reducing translation costs and maintaining consistency. This reuse is made more efficient through DITA’s topic-based structure, as segments are often smaller and more granular than in traditional documents, increasing the likelihood of repeated content.


Here’s an example of how conditional text in DITA XML can be used to specify non-translatable content:

<topic id="maintenance_procedure">
  <title>Maintenance Procedure</title>
    <p>Perform the <prop action="translate">routine</prop> maintenance on the engine.</p>
    <p>Ensure the <prop action="translate">safety</prop> of the crew.</p>

In this example, the terms “routine” and “safety” are marked as non-translatable using the <prop action="translate">no</prop> attribute, indicating that they should not be translated.