Can DITA content support the localization of units of measurement and date formats?

DITA content is flexible and supports the localization of units of measurement and date formats, allowing organizations to deliver content that aligns with the conventions of different regions. This flexibility is essential for providing users with information that is not only translated into their language but also adapted to their local preferences for measurements and date representations.

Localization of Units of Measurement

When localizing content in DITA, organizations can customize units of measurement to match the preferences of the target audience. For example, they can adapt content to use the metric system for European audiences and the imperial system for American audiences. This adaptability ensures that technical documentation, such as product specifications, is presented in a way that is familiar and easily understood by the local audience.

Localization of Date Formats

DITA allows for the localization of date formats, which is particularly important in regions where date representations differ. Organizations can customize date formats to follow conventions like MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY, ensuring that dates in the content are presented in a manner that resonates with the local audience. This adaptation extends to the language used for month and day names as well.


Here’s an example of how DITA content can be localized for units of measurement and date formats:

<topic id="product_specifications">
  <title>Product Specifications</title>

In this example, the DITA content specifies the use of the metric system for measurement units and the DD/MM/YYYY date format with localized month names. This ensures that the product specifications are adapted to the cultural and regional preferences of the target audience.