Can defense organizations leverage DITA’s support for multilingual content delivery?

Defense organizations can effectively leverage DITA’s support for multilingual content delivery to reach a global audience, including non-English-speaking users. DITA provides a structured framework for managing content in multiple languages, ensuring that information can be easily delivered in the preferred language of the audience. This is crucial in the defense sector, where international collaborations and the need to communicate with diverse stakeholders are common.

Using DITA for multilingual content delivery involves creating topics with language attributes that specify the language of each section of content. By tagging content with language attributes, you enable content management systems and translation tools to identify the appropriate language for a given audience. This allows you to generate different versions of the documentation in various languages while maintaining consistency in terminology and structure. DITA’s conditional processing instructions can also be used to control which parts of the content are translated, ensuring that sensitive information is not disclosed in certain versions.


Consider a defense organization creating a DITA topic about security measures. In the following example, we use language attributes to specify content sections in English, French, and Spanish. This enables the delivery of the same topic in multiple languages. We also use conditional processing to indicate which content should be translated. The topic provides information on <p translate=”yes” xml_lang=”en”>security protocols</p>, and the content under <p translate=”no” xml_lang=”fr”>French</p> and <p translate=”no” xml_lang=”es”>Spanish</p> remains untranslated.

<!– Example of multilingual content delivery in DITA –>

  <title>Security Measures</title>
  <p translate="yes" xml_lang="en">This topic covers important security protocols.</p>
  <p translate="no" xml_lang="fr">Ce sujet couvre d'importants protocoles de sécurité.</p>
  <p translate="no" xml_lang="es">Este tema cubre protocolos de seguridad importantes.</p>

Using DITA for multilingual content delivery ensures that defense organizations can communicate effectively with a global audience, offering content in multiple languages while maintaining control over what is translated and what remains in the source language.