Are there validation tools specifically designed for DITA specializations?

Yes, there are validation tools specifically designed for DITA specializations to ensure content compliance with the specialization rules. These tools play a crucial role in maintaining consistency and quality in DITA content. Here’s an overview of how these validation tools work:

Specialization Schema Validation: Validation tools use specialized schemas that define the rules for custom elements and attributes. These schemas are applied to the DITA content to check if the content complies with the defined specialization rules.

Customization Rules Check: The tools verify that custom elements and attributes are used in accordance with the organization’s guidelines. They check if the content structure adheres to the predefined rules for each specialization.

Attribute Value Validation: Tools validate attribute values to ensure they meet the specified criteria. For example, if there’s an attribute for specifying the severity of a warning, the tool can validate that only valid values (e.g., “important,” “caution,” “note”) are used.

Reporting and Feedback: Validation tools generate reports that highlight non-compliant content. These reports can be used by authors, reviewers, and subject matter experts to identify and correct content that does not adhere to the specialization rules.

Integration with Authoring Tools: Some validation tools integrate with DITA authoring environments, providing real-time feedback to authors as they create content. This ensures that content compliance is checked during the authoring process itself.


An organization uses a DITA specialization for product documentation, including a custom element <custom-command> to describe software commands. They employ a validation tool to ensure that command usage follows their customization rules:

<!-- Validating content with a custom DITA specialization for software commands -->
    Open a file in the application.