Are there tools for validating filtering conditions in DITA content?

Validating filtering conditions in DITA content is a critical step to ensure the accuracy and correctness of content customization. Several tools and approaches facilitate this process, helping content creators verify that the filtering attributes, expressions, and conditions are correctly configured for the desired outputs.

Filtering condition validation tools

Filtering condition validation tools emphasize the importance of validation, filtering attributes and expressions, and conditional processing validation tools.

Importance of Validation

Accurate filtering in DITA content is crucial for generating tailored content for various audiences, platforms, or contexts. Incorrect filtering conditions can result in irrelevant or missing content, which can impact the quality and usability of the documentation. To prevent such issues, validation tools and practices are essential.

Filtering Attributes and Expressions

In DITA, filtering relies on attributes and expressions within the XML content. These attributes, such as “audience” or “platform,” specify the criteria for including or excluding content. Validation tools check that attribute values and expressions match the intended conditions.

Conditional Processing Validation Tools

Several DITA authoring tools and XML editors offer built-in validation features. These tools highlight errors or inconsistencies in filtering attributes and expressions as content creators work on the documents. Validation feedback is often presented in real-time, helping authors correct issues as they arise.


A DITA topic contains conditional content for two different user levels: beginners and advanced users. The topic includes conditional text marked up as follows:

<p audience="beginner">This content is for beginners.</p>
<p audience="advanced">This content is for advanced users.</p>

In this example, a DITA authoring tool with built-in validation will check that the “audience” attribute values match predefined conditions. If there are any discrepancies or errors in the attribute values, the tool will provide feedback to the author, ensuring the accuracy of filtering conditions.