Are there interactive features like search and links in DITA web outputs?

DITA web outputs can incorporate interactive features such as search functionality and links to enhance user experience and content discoverability.

Search Functionality in DITA Web Outputs

Search functionality allows users to find specific content within a DITA web output. It enhances content discoverability and is essential for large documentation sets.

Search is typically implemented using search engines or tools that index DITA content. Users can enter keywords or phrases into a search box, and the system returns relevant topics or sections. Search results are often ranked by relevance.

Example:In a DITA web-based documentation portal for software, a user can enter “troubleshooting network issues” in the search bar. The system returns a list of topics related to troubleshooting network issues, allowing the user to click on the most relevant one.

Hyperlinks and Links in DITA Web Outputs

Hyperlinks and links are fundamental for navigation in DITA web outputs. They connect topics, sections, or external resources, providing a seamless reading experience.

Links in DITA can be both internal (within the same documentation set) and external (pointing to external websites or documents). Hyperlinks allow users to jump from one location to another within the content, ensuring easy access to related information or additional details.

Example: In a DITA web topic discussing a software feature, a hyperlink might lead to a more detailed description of that feature in another topic. Similarly, an external link could connect users to a relevant support page on the software provider’s website.


A DITA-based online user manual for a smartphone allows users to interact with the web output in the following ways:

  • Search Functionality: A search bar is prominently displayed on the documentation portal. Users can type queries such as “camera settings” or “troubleshooting” to find specific information.
  • Hyperlinks: Within topics, hyperlinks are used to reference related features, settings, or troubleshooting sections. For example, in the “Camera Usage” topic, there’s a hyperlink to the “Advanced Camera Settings” section for users interested in detailed camera configuration.
  • External Links: The documentation includes external links to the smartphone manufacturer’s official support page for software updates and frequently asked questions (FAQs).