Are there guidelines for creating adaptive and personalized safety training experiences with DITA in maritime?

Integrating learning objectives and assessments into DITA-based maritime safety training materials is essential for providing structured and effective learning experiences. DITA’s structured content approach allows for the seamless incorporation of these elements, ensuring that learners have clear goals and opportunities to assess their understanding of safety procedures and practices.

Structured Learning Objectives

In DITA, learning objectives are typically integrated into the content structure as part of each training module or topic. For example:

<topic id="fire_safety_training">
  <title>Fire Safety Training</title>
    <objective>Understand the types of fires on ships.</objective>
    <objective>Learn to use fire extinguishers effectively.</objective>
    <objective>Identify evacuation procedures during a fire emergency.</objective>

In this example, the DITA topic “Fire Safety Training” includes structured learning objectives that outline what learners should achieve after completing the training.

Assessment Components

DITA can also accommodate assessment components within training materials. These assessments can include quizzes, tests, or interactive scenarios that allow learners to apply their knowledge. For instance:

<topic id="fire_safety_assessment">
  <title>Fire Safety Assessment</title>
      <question>What are the different classes of fires on ships?</question>
        <option>A. Class A, B, and C</option>
        <option>B. Class D and E</option>
        <option>C. Class F</option>
      <correct-answer>A. Class A, B, and C</correct-answer>

In this example, a DITA topic titled “Fire Safety Assessment” includes an embedded quiz as part of the assessment component.