Are there elements for specifying publication dates and revision history in DITA maps?

DITA maps provide elements for specifying publication dates and revision history, allowing organizations to maintain a record of when content was published and revised. These elements, such as <pubdate> for publication dates and <revhistory> for revision history, enhance documentation traceability and version control.

Using <pubdate> and <revhistory> in DITA Maps

DITA maps offer elements that allow authors to specify important metadata related to publication dates and revision history.

Publication Date (<pubdate>)

The <pubdate> element is used to specify the publication date of a DITA map or topic. It can be placed within the map or topic and is typically used to indicate when the content was officially published. The <pubdate> element can include the publication year, month, and day. This information is valuable for readers who need to know how current the content is.

Revision History (<revhistory>)

The <revhistory> element is used to document the revision history of a DITA map or topic. It serves as a container for multiple <revision> elements, each of which records details about a specific revision. The <revision> element typically includes information such as the revision date, the name of the person who made the revision, and a brief description of the changes made. This element is crucial for version control, tracking changes over time, and understanding the evolution of the content.


In a DITA map, both the <pubdate> and <revhistory> elements are used to specify publication dates and revision history:

<!DOCTYPE map PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Map//EN" "map.dtd">
  <title>Product User Guide</title>
      <revremark>Initial release</revremark>
      <revperson>John Doe</revperson>
      <revremark>Updated troubleshooting section</revremark>
      <revperson>Jane Smith</revperson>
  <topicref href="introduction.dita" />
  <topicref href="installation.dita" />
  <topicref href="operation.dita" />
  <topicref href="troubleshooting.dita" />

In this example:

  • The DITA map includes a <pubdate> element that specifies the publication date as “2023-10-15.”
  • The <revhistory> element serves as a container for recording the revision history of the map. Two <revision> elements are included, each documenting a different revision. The <revdate> element within each <revision> specifies the date of the revision, and the <revremark> element provides a brief description of the changes made. The <revperson> element specifies the name of the person responsible for the revision.
  • The map contains topic references and is a part of the user guide, with clear records of its publication date and revision history. This information is valuable for understanding the document’s history and ensuring that readers have access to the most up-to-date content.