WEBINAR | Recognizing Potential Reuse in Your Content Before Conversion
November 21, 2022
One of the main benefits of using a structured format such as DITA is the ability to reuse content, but realizing where reuse is beneficial and estimating the probable savings ...
WEBINAR | Semantic markup. Why do I need it, and how do I do it?
September 14, 2022
In the past, we have produced documents with a focus on how they look when published. Page layout, font face, font size, bolding and italics have been useful ...
WEBINAR | How An Automated DITA Conversion Can Help Your Authoring Team
September 7, 2022
Join Jacob Brennan in this session as he uses Stilo’s Migrate to convert legacy content to structured DITA.
WEBINAR | What an automated DITA conversion can do for you (and what it can’t)
May 12, 2022
Join Helen St. Denis in this session as she uses Stilo’s Migrate to convert legacy content to structured DITA.
WEBINAR | How much redundant content do I really have? Actualizing the reuse in our documentation.
March 18, 2022
Join TJ Dhaliwal in this session as he uses Stilo’s Analyzer and Migrate to investigate source content for similar and exact matches.
Press Release – Release of Analyzer 1.0: Free Content Reuse Analysis Tool
November 1, 2021
OTTAWA, Ontario, November 1, 2021 - Stilo (https://www.stilo.com) is excited to announce a free content reuse analysis tool, Analyzer 1.0, that enables...
WEBINAR | Analyzer 1.0 – Identifying Content Reuse
October 14, 2021
In this webinar we will demonstrate how to analyze Word content, calculate & navigate reuse potential, and generate beautiful reports estimating cost savings.
Press Release – Migrate 4.0 Introduces Exact-Match DITA Deduplication
March 8, 2021
OTTAWA, Ontario, March 8, 2021 - In an effort to maximize DITA reuse potential, Stilo adds exact-match deduplication to the latest release of its well-established cloud service.
Stilo Management Changes and Covid-19 Update
April 2, 2020
We are pleased to announce that Bryan Tipper, formerly VP Sales & Marketing, based in our Ottawa office, has been appointed CEO and a Director of Stilo International as from April 1st.
Stilo Announces OmniMark v11
November 25, 2019
Stilo has shipped the latest release of the OmniMark high-performance content processing platform – version 11. Find out what's new.