If using Microsoft Word:
If using FrameMaker:
In many cases, moving to DITA can be an overwhelming task, especially if your content is image-heavy. So learning how to properly handle images will not only save you time and energy, but also provide reassurance that your images are correctly transitioned. In this talk, we will look at many scenarios that you may encounter when moving your images over to DITA.
Upload your sample document (20-30 pages) and we will convert it to DITA free of charge!
We review the conversion results with you, and let you retain the output for your own testing purposes.
The post How To Handle Graphics When Transitioning To DITA XML appeared first on Stilo.
]]>Migrate now identifies and eliminates redundant topics as part of the process of converting content to DITA.
You can put converted files into a collection and have the system compare each topic in the collection with the others. Migrate will identify exact-matches, select a canonical version, automatically eliminate redundant copies, and then update all topics & associated maps accordingly.
Use the power of automation to quickly detect & deduplicate exact-match DITA topics.
To learn more about Migrate, please visit the Migrate product page or the Users’ Guide.
Upload your sample document (20-30 pages) and we will convert it to DITA free of charge!
We review the conversion results with you, and let you retain the output for your own testing purposes.
The post Automatic, Exact Topic Deduplication (available in Migrate 4.0+) appeared first on Stilo.
Migrate can handle numerous language encoding schemes and is truly multilingual. It can support most written languages including Latin based and Asian languages.
Migrate can handle a large range of source formats including Word, FrameMaker, RoboHelp, DocBook, InDesign, Flare, and XML/SGML/HTML.
The post How to Convert Multilingual Content To DITA XML appeared first on Stilo.
Converting a RoboHelp® project to DITA is easier than you might think. Tasks, troubleshooting topics, cross references, reusable content, glossaries, conditional text, and folder structures are all accurately converted. Using rules to leverage the visual cues in the document to discern its implicit structure, Migrate will produce valid DITA XML output within a few minutes. The same set of rules can convert similar documents, and an online rules editor lets you modify the conversion so that little to no pre- or post-conversion cleanup is required.
Migrate can handle a large range of source formats including Word, FrameMaker, RoboHelp, DocBook, InDesign, Flare, and XML/SGML/HTML.
The post How to Convert RoboHelp To DITA XML appeared first on Stilo.
Converting HTML files to DITA XML can be a simple process with Stilo. This can be achieved by applying built in annotations and adding rules to leverage the visual cues in the document to discern the implicit structure. Then with little or no preprocessing and postprocessing, Migrate will produce a valid DITA XML output within a couple minutes. The same set of rules can convert all documents that follow a similar template.
Migrate can handle a large range of source formats including Word, FrameMaker, RoboHelp, DocBook, InDesign, Flare, and XML/SGML/HTML.
The post How to Convert HTML To DITA XML appeared first on Stilo.
FrameMaker is widely used for writing and editing complex structured or unstructured documents. At Stilo, by applying built in annotations and adding rules to leverage the visual cues in the document to discern the implicit structure, without preprocessing and postprocessing, Migrate will produce a valid DITA XML output within a few minutes. The same set of rules can convert all documents that follow a similar template.
Migrate can handle a large range of source formats including Word, FrameMaker, RoboHelp, DocBook, InDesign, Flare, and XML/SGML/HTML.
The post How to Convert FrameMaker To DITA XML appeared first on Stilo.
One of the things authors love about Microsoft Word is that it’s easy to make your content look just the way you want it. This does not always lend itself to a straightforward conversion to DITA XML. Fortunately, at Stilo, we can leverage the visual cues in the document to discern the implicit structure of the content with rules. The same rules can convert all documents that follow a similar template. Without preprocessing and postprocessing, Migrate will produce a valid DITA XML output within a few minutes.
Migrate can handle a large range of source formats including Word, FrameMaker, RoboHelp, DocBook, InDesign, Flare, and XML/SGML/HTML.
The post How to Convert Word To DITA XML appeared first on Stilo.
Converting complex table structures to DITA XML can be challenging. Fortunately, it is easy to convert complex tables automatically using Stilo’s Migrate.
Tables are often used to represent tabular information or used to lay out content on a page in a way that makes it easier for the reader to understand. This can create table representation that is very complex.
Examples of tables Migrate can convert include:
The post How to Convert Complex Table Structures To DITA XML appeared first on Stilo.