Are there differences in indexing for mobile device-friendly DITA content?

When indexing for mobile device-friendly DITA content, specific considerations come into play to accommodate the unique characteristics and requirements of mobile users.

Responsive Design

Mobile devices come in various screen sizes and orientations. To provide an optimal indexing experience, DITA content should be designed with responsiveness in mind. Ensure that the index adapts to different screen sizes and orientations, maintaining readability and usability.

Touch-Friendly Navigation

Mobile users typically interact with content using touch gestures. Index elements should be designed to be touch-friendly, with adequate spacing between links or entries to prevent accidental taps. Consider incorporating swipe gestures or expandable menus for efficient navigation within the index.

Compact and Relevant Entries

Given the limited screen real estate on mobile devices, it’s essential to keep index entries concise and prioritize the most relevant terms. Avoid overwhelming users with extensive lists of entries. Instead, focus on providing compact, meaningful indexing options that help users find the information they need quickly.


Here’s an example of how DITA indexing considerations can be tailored for mobile device-friendly content:

<index type="mobile">

By implementing these considerations, you can ensure that your DITA content is well-suited for mobile devices, offering an efficient and user-friendly indexing experience.