How are translated index entries synchronized with the source language index?

Synchronizing translated index entries with the source language index is a critical aspect of creating multilingual DITA documentation. When content is translated into multiple languages, it’s essential to maintain consistency and accuracy in the index entries across all languages. Here’s a detailed explanation of how this synchronization is typically handled:

Source Language Index

The source language index is created as part of the original DITA documentation. It includes index terms, cross-references, and related information that facilitate navigation and information retrieval. The source index serves as the reference point for all other language translations.

Translation Process

When translating DITA documentation into other languages, professional translators work on both the main content and the index entries. They ensure that index terms in the target language are equivalent in meaning to those in the source language. Additionally, translators pay attention to linguistic nuances and cultural considerations to provide accurate translations.


After the translation process is complete, a synchronization step is necessary. This step involves reviewing and aligning the translated index entries with the source language index. Any discrepancies or inconsistencies are addressed to ensure that the index terms in all languages accurately reflect the content. DITA provides mechanisms for managing translated index entries and keeping them synchronized with the source index. It’s essential to maintain this synchronization to provide a seamless experience for users navigating the documentation in different languages.


Here’s an example illustrating how translated index entries are synchronized with the source language index in DITA:



In this example, the source language index includes index terms in English, while the translated language index contains equivalent terms in Spanish. The synchronization process ensures that the Spanish terms align with the meaning and context of the English terms in the source index.