<concept>: When is the <concept> element used, and how does it structure content for explaining concepts in DITA topics?

The <concept> element in DITA is used to structure content for explaining concepts within DITA topics. It provides a standardized way to present and organize information related to abstract or theoretical ideas, making it easier for readers to grasp complex concepts.

Structuring Conceptual Content

The <concept> element is typically employed in the following scenarios:

  • Explaining fundamental principles, theories, or abstract notions in a structured manner.
  • Providing clear definitions, examples, and related terminology to enhance understanding.
  • Organizing content logically with elements like <title>, <conbody>, and <conph> to present concepts comprehensively.


Here’s an example of how the <concept> element can be used in DITA content:

<concept id="software-architecture">
  <title>Software Architecture</title>
    <conph id="def">Software architecture refers to the high-level structure of a software system.</conph>
    <conph id="components">It encompasses the components or modules of the system and their interactions.</conph>
    <conph id="importance">Understanding software architecture is crucial for designing and maintaining robust applications.</conph>

In this example, the <concept> element is used to define and elaborate on the concept of “Software Architecture” with structured content that includes a title, definitions, and key points.