<fig>: When and how is the <fig> element employed to insert figures or images into DITA topics?

The <fig> element in DITA is used to insert figures or images into DITA topics. Figures are essential for visual representation and can be used to enhance the understanding of the content. You would typically use the <fig> element when you want to include illustrations, diagrams, charts, screenshots, or any other visual element in your DITA topics.

Inserting Figures

To insert a figure using the <fig> element, you specify the location or path to the image file using the href attribute. Additionally, you can provide a title or description for the figure using the alt attribute to make the content more accessible. The content within the <fig> element can also include a caption or further explanation of the figure, helping to provide context to the reader.


Here’s an example of how the <fig> element is used to insert a figure into a DITA topic:

<fig href="images/example.png" alt="Example Figure">
  <title>Figure 1: Example Figure</title>
  <desc>This figure illustrates a sample workflow.</desc>

In this example, the <fig> element references an image file called “example.png” using the href attribute. The alt attribute provides alternative text for accessibility, and the <title> element specifies a title for the figure. The <desc> element contains a description of the figure’s content, and the <image> element points to the image file.