What role does conditional processing play in tailoring safety documentation for different mining operations, safety hazards, and emergency scenarios?

Conditional processing is a valuable feature in DITA for tailoring safety documentation to different mining operations, safety hazards, and emergency scenarios. It allows organizations in the mining industry to create documentation that adapts to specific conditions, ensuring that relevant information is presented to the right audience under varying circumstances.

Customized Content

Conditional processing in DITA enables the inclusion or exclusion of content based on predefined conditions. For instance, safety documentation can include different procedures for underground and surface mining operations. Using conditional processing, the appropriate set of instructions can be presented based on the context, ensuring that mining personnel receive customized and operation-specific guidance.

Scenario-Based Documentation

Different safety hazards and emergency scenarios may require specific procedures and responses. DITA’s conditional processing allows for the creation of scenario-based documentation. For example, documentation can include different evacuation plans for fire emergencies and chemical spills. Depending on the situation, the relevant evacuation plan can be made available, ensuring that personnel have access to the most appropriate guidance in real-time.


Here’s an example in DITA XML format demonstrating conditional processing for tailoring safety documentation:

<topic id="emergency_response_plan">
  <title>Emergency Response Plan</title>
    <condition id="fire_emergency" />
    <condition id="chemical_spill" />
    <p>This is a general emergency response plan.</p>
    <conditional-text conref="fire_procedures" if="condition('fire_emergency')" />
    <conditional-text conref="chemical_spill_procedures" if="condition('chemical_spill')" />

In this DITA XML example, the emergency response plan includes conditional processing based on ‘fire_emergency’ and ‘chemical_spill’ conditions. The appropriate procedures are included based on the specific scenario, ensuring tailored documentation.