Are there guidelines for involving geological experts, mining engineers, and safety inspectors in DITA-based mining content reviews?

Establishing guidelines for involving geological experts, mining engineers, and safety inspectors in DITA-based mining content reviews is essential to ensure comprehensive and accurate documentation. These guidelines help streamline the review process, facilitate collaboration, and maintain the highest standards of safety and expertise in mining documentation.

Roles and Responsibilities

Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder involved in the review process. Geological experts may focus on the geological accuracy of the content, mining engineers may assess equipment specifications and operational procedures, while safety inspectors ensure compliance with safety regulations. By outlining these roles, everyone understands their specific areas of expertise and contribution.

Review Workflow

Develop a structured review workflow that outlines the steps and stages of the review process. This workflow should specify when and how each stakeholder should provide feedback and comments. For instance, geological experts may review geological reports initially, followed by mining engineers, and then safety inspectors. Ensure that there are mechanisms for iterative reviews to address feedback effectively.


Here’s an example of a review workflow within DITA XML:

  <role>Geological Expert</role>
  <role>Mining Engineer</role>
  <role>Safety Inspector</role>
    <step>Geological Review</step>
    <step>Mining Engineering Review</step>
    <step>Safety Inspection</step>
    <comment role="Geological Expert">The geological analysis in section 2 needs further elaboration.</comment>
    <comment role="Mining Engineer">Equipment specifications should include maintenance procedures.</comment>
    <comment role="Safety Inspector">Ensure compliance with safety standards throughout the document.</comment>

In this example, the review workflow specifies the roles and the sequence of reviews, while feedback comments are associated with the respective roles. This structured approach ensures that the expertise of geological experts, mining engineers, and safety inspectors is effectively utilized in the content review process.