How is content localization and translation managed in DITA for mining technical documentation?

Managing content localization and translation in DITA for mining technical documentation is essential to make information accessible to a global audience. DITA provides several features and best practices for handling translation processes effectively.

Translatable Content Segmentation

DITA encourages the segmentation of content into smaller, reusable components called topics. These topics can be translated individually, making the translation process more efficient. For instance, technical documentation for mining equipment might contain topics on safety procedures, equipment specifications, and maintenance instructions. Each of these topics can be translated separately, ensuring that only the relevant content is localized.

Translation Attributes

DITA allows the addition of attributes to elements, such as the translate attribute, to indicate whether specific content should be translated or not. By marking content that requires translation, mining companies can provide clear instructions to translators. For example, elements like warnings or safety instructions might be marked for translation, while elements like part numbers or technical specifications might remain untranslated.


Here’s an example of how DITA enables content segmentation and translation attribute usage:

<topic id="safety_procedures" translate="yes">
  <title>Safety Procedures</title>
  <section id="emergency_procedures" translate="yes">
    <title>Emergency Procedures</title>
    <p translate="yes">In case of an emergency, follow these procedures...</p>
    <p translate="no">Emergency contact number: 123-456-789</p>
  <section id="equipment_maintenance" translate="yes">
    <title>Equipment Maintenance</title>
    <p translate="yes">Regular maintenance is crucial for equipment longevity...</p>
    <p translate="yes">Maintenance schedule: Every 6 months</p>

In this example, the DITA content is segmented into topics, and the translate attribute is used to specify which parts should be translated (marked as “yes”) and which should not (marked as “no”).