Are there standardized templates or schemas for DITA specializations in culinary technical documentation?

Standardized Templates and Schemas for DITA Specializations in Culinary Technical Documentation

In culinary technical documentation, it’s essential to have standardized templates and schemas to ensure consistency and clarity in content presentation. While DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture) provides a structured framework for documentation, culinary-specific specializations often require custom templates and schemas to meet the unique needs of this domain.

Customizing Templates

Culinary organizations often create custom templates that align with their specific documentation requirements. These templates define the structure and elements needed for culinary content, such as recipes, ingredients, cooking techniques, and nutritional information. Customization allows for precise representation of culinary data and enhances the user experience by providing a familiar and structured format.

Defining Schemas

In addition to templates, defining schemas specific to culinary documentation is common practice. These schemas specify the allowable elements, attributes, and content models for culinary DITA documents. For example, a schema might enforce the inclusion of essential information like ingredient names, quantities, and preparation steps. Schemas help ensure data integrity and adherence to culinary standards.


Here’s an example of a customized template and schema for a culinary recipe in DITA XML:

  <title>Classic Spaghetti Carbonara</title>
    <step>Cook spaghetti until al dente.</step>
    <step>Fry pancetta until crispy.</step>

In this example, the customized template and schema ensure that the recipe includes essential elements like ingredients, quantities, and instructions, maintaining consistency in culinary documentation.