How are localized versions of automotive documentation validated and quality-assured using DITA?

Validating and quality-assuring localized versions of automotive documentation using DITA involves a structured approach that ensures accuracy, consistency, and compliance with local language and cultural requirements.

Structured Validation Process

DITA enables automotive companies to establish a structured validation process for localized documentation. Here’s how it typically works:

  • Localization teams receive the original DITA source files and translate the content into the target language.
  • After translation, the localized DITA files are reviewed by linguists and subject matter experts to ensure linguistic and technical accuracy.
  • Quality assurance checks are performed to verify that the formatting, layout, and content structure meet the specific requirements of the target audience.

This structured process ensures that localized documentation aligns with the original content and meets the quality standards expected by automotive manufacturers.


Here’s an HTML coding example that illustrates how DITA can be used to manage the validation and quality assurance process:

<topic id="engine_specifications_fr">
  <title>Spécifications du Moteur</title>
    <p>Ceci sont les spécifications du moteur en français.</p>
      <technical-review>Under Review</technical-review>

In this example, the “engine_specifications_fr” topic represents a localized version in French. It includes validation information, such as the status of linguistic and technical reviews and the result of formatting checks, providing transparency into the validation process.