<related-links>: How do you use the <related-links> element to include links to related content, such as references or additional resources, within a DITA topic?

The <related-links> element in DITA XML is used to include links to related content, such as references or additional resources, within a DITA topic. It allows content creators to enhance the topic by providing readers with easy access to additional information that complements the main content. This is particularly useful for guiding readers to related topics, references, or external resources that can provide a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Usage of <related-links> Element

To use the <related-links> element, you typically place it within the <body> of a DITA topic. The <related-links> element can contain one or more <link> elements, each specifying a reference to related content. These links can point to other DITA topics, web URLs, or local resources, depending on the context and the type of related content you want to include.


Here’s an example of how to use the <related-links> element to include links to related topics within a DITA topic:

<topic id="example_topic">
  <title>Using Advanced Features</title>
    <p>This topic covers the basics of using advanced features in the software. For more in-depth information, you can refer to the following related topics:</p>
      <link href="advanced-configuration.dita">Advanced Configuration</link>
      <link href="troubleshooting.dita">Troubleshooting Guide</link>
    <p>These related topics provide detailed instructions and solutions for common issues.</p>

In this example, the <related-links> element is used to include links to “Advanced Configuration” and the “Troubleshooting Guide” topics, which are related to the main topic on using advanced features. Readers can easily navigate to these topics to access more detailed information.