<shortdesc>: How do you use the <shortdesc> element to provide a concise summary or description of the content within a DITA topic?

The <shortdesc> element in DITA XML is used to provide a concise summary or description of the content within a DITA topic. It serves as a brief introduction or overview of what the topic contains, helping users quickly grasp the topic’s main points.

Adding a Short Description

You can include the <shortdesc> element as the first child of the <topic> element to provide the short description. Here’s an example:

  <title>Product Features</title>
  <shortdesc>This topic provides an overview of the key features of our product.</shortdesc>
    <p>This topic goes into detail about each feature and its benefits.</p>
    <!-- Content goes here -->

In this example, the <shortdesc> element provides a concise introduction to the topic, making it easier for users to decide whether they want to explore the content further.

Enhancing User Experience

Adding a short description to your DITA topics enhances the user experience by giving users a quick preview of the topic’s content. It helps them determine the relevance of the topic to their needs and encourages them to engage with the documentation more effectively.