How are learning objectives and assessments integrated into DITA-based maritime safety training materials?

Creating adaptive and personalized safety training experiences with DITA in the maritime industry involves following specific guidelines to tailor learning materials to individual needs while ensuring compliance with safety regulations. These guidelines help in delivering effective training that addresses the unique requirements of maritime personnel.

Segmentation of Learners

One key aspect is the segmentation of learners based on their roles, experience levels, and specific safety training needs. DITA allows for the creation of content variations or conditional processing to deliver personalized content to different learner groups. For example:

<topic id="fire_safety_training">
  <title>Fire Safety Training</title>
    <objective>Understand the types of fires on ships.</objective>
      <role>Crew Members</role>
      <objective>Learn to use fire extinguishers effectively.</objective>
      <objective>Advanced firefighting techniques.</objective>

In this example, the DITA topic “Fire Safety Training” includes conditional objectives tailored to different roles within the maritime crew.

Personalized Assessments

Personalized assessments can also be integrated into DITA-based training materials. These assessments can adapt based on the learner’s progress and previous performance. For instance:

<topic id="fire_safety_assessment">
  <title>Fire Safety Assessment</title>
        <role>Crew Members</role>
        <question>What are the different classes of fires on ships?</question>
        <question>How do you lead a firefighting team in an emergency?</question>

In this example, the DITA topic “Fire Safety Assessment” includes conditional quiz questions tailored to specific roles.