What role does structured data (e.g., XML, JSON) play in data visualization with DITA in maritime content?

Structured data formats such as XML and JSON play a pivotal role in data visualization with DITA within maritime content. They provide a standardized and organized way to represent complex data, making it easier to create meaningful visualizations and integrate data from various sources.

Data Integration and Transformation

Structured data formats enable the integration of diverse maritime data sources into DITA documentation. For instance, XML can be used to represent vessel performance data, route information, weather conditions, and more. JSON, with its lightweight and human-readable format, is suitable for representing data from APIs and external systems.

<topic id="performance_analysis">
  <title>Vessel Performance Analysis</title>
  <content>Analyze and visualize vessel performance data.</content>
  <data-xml href="performance_data.xml" />
  <data-json href="weather_data.json" />
  <chart type="line-chart" data-source="performance_data.xml" />
  <chart type="bar-chart" data-source="weather_data.json" />

In the example above, structured data in XML and JSON formats are referenced using the <data-xml> and <data-json> elements, respectively. These data sources are then used to create different types of charts, such as line and bar charts, to visualize vessel performance and weather data.

Data-driven Visualization Components

Structured data acts as the foundation for data-driven visualization components within maritime documentation. DITA allows for the creation of custom visualization styles and templates that can parse and render structured data effectively. This capability enables the generation of interactive maps, performance graphs, and dynamic charts that empower maritime professionals to make informed decisions.

<topic id="route_optimization">
  <title>Route Optimization</title>
  <content>Optimize vessel routes based on historical data.</content>
  <custom-widget src="route_optimizer.html" />

Custom visualization components, as shown in the example, can utilize structured data to provide maritime experts with tools for route optimization based on historical data analysis.

In summary, structured data formats like XML and JSON are fundamental for data visualization in DITA within maritime content, enabling the integration of diverse data sources and the creation of interactive and informative visualizations.