Can maritime companies create customized glossaries and terminology databases in DITA?

Customized glossaries and terminology databases are valuable assets for maritime companies looking to maintain consistency and clarity in their documentation. DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture) provides the capability to create and manage these resources effectively.

Creating Customized Glossaries

In DITA, maritime companies can create customized glossaries to define and explain industry-specific terminology and abbreviations. These glossaries are typically structured as DITA topics, where each term or abbreviation has its own entry with a description. Customized glossaries make it easier for authors to use consistent terminology across documents, reducing the chances of misunderstandings and errors.

Terminology Databases

DITA also allows maritime organizations to maintain terminology databases as part of their documentation strategy. These databases serve as centralized repositories for industry-specific terminology and abbreviations. They can be organized, categorized, and easily referenced by authors creating maritime documentation, ensuring that the terminology remains standardized and up-to-date across the organization.


Here’s an example of how DITA can be used to create a customized maritime glossary:

  <title>Maritime Glossary</title>
  <entry id="AIS">
    <definition>Automatic Identification System</definition>
  <entry id="SOLAS">
    <definition>International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea</definition>
  <entry id="IMO">
    <definition>International Maritime Organization</definition>

In this DITA XML example, a customized maritime glossary is created, including entries for terms like “AIS,” “SOLAS,” and “IMO,” along with their definitions.