Can DITA support the delivery of telecom documentation in multiple formats (e.g., PDF, HTML) for different stakeholders?

Utilizing DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture), it is indeed possible to deliver telecom documentation in multiple formats to cater to different stakeholders, such as PDF and HTML. DITA’s structured authoring approach and the separation of content from presentation enable flexible output generation.

Single Sourcing

DITA allows for the concept of “single sourcing,” where the core content is authored once and can be reused across different output formats. Telecom documentation created in DITA XML contains structured content without being tied to a specific format or layout. This content can be reused and transformed into various formats, including PDF, HTML, and more, using DITA-aware publishing tools.

Conditional Text

To meet the specific needs of different stakeholders, DITA supports the use of conditional text. This feature enables authors to mark content that should only appear in certain output formats. For example, detailed technical specifications may be included in the HTML version but excluded from the PDF version intended for non-technical stakeholders. Conditional text ensures that each output format is tailored to its respective audience.


Here’s an example of how conditional text can be used in DITA to deliver documentation in multiple formats:

<topic id="network_configuration">
  <title>Telecom Network Configuration</title>
      <title>Basic Configuration</title>
      <p>This section contains information on basic network configuration.</p>
      <conditional-text platform="html">
        <p>Additional technical details for network administrators.</p>

In this example, the DITA topic includes conditional text that specifies different content for HTML output. The additional technical details will only be included in the HTML version, while the PDF version will exclude them, ensuring content relevance for different stakeholders.