Can government agencies create customized glossaries and terminology databases in DITA?

Customized glossaries and terminology databases are essential tools for government agencies to ensure the accuracy and consistency of their content. DITA provides the flexibility for government agencies to create and maintain these databases tailored to their specific needs.

Customized Glossaries

Government agencies can create customized glossaries using DITA that include terminology relevant to their specific domain or field. These glossaries can be populated with definitions and explanations for terms that are commonly used in their documentation. By maintaining a glossary, agencies can ensure that their content remains consistent, free of jargon, and easily understandable for a wide audience, including non-experts in the field.

Terminology Databases

In addition to glossaries, DITA allows government agencies to manage terminology databases. These databases can go beyond simple definitions and include context, usage guidelines, and references. For instance, government-specific terms may have regulatory implications, and it’s crucial to provide detailed information on how these terms should be used in documentation. DITA’s structure and referencing capabilities enable agencies to build comprehensive databases that cater to their specific needs.


Here’s an example of how DITA allows for customized glossaries and terminology databases:

  <term id="gov_term_1">
    <title>Government Term 1</title>
    <definition>Definition of the government-specific term 1.</definition>
    <context>Contextual information about the term's usage.</context>
    <usage-guidelines>Guidelines on how to use this term in government documents.</usage-guidelines>
  <term id="gov_term_2">
    <title>Government Term 2</title>
    <definition>Definition of the government-specific term 2.</definition>
    <context>Contextual information about the term's usage.</context>
    <usage-guidelines>Guidelines on how to use this term in government documents.</usage-guidelines>

In this example, DITA enables government agencies to create customized glossaries with terms, definitions, contextual information, and usage guidelines tailored to their specific requirements, ensuring the quality and consistency of their content.