What role does structured data (e.g., XML, JSON) play in data visualization with DITA in education?

Structured data, such as XML and JSON, plays a vital role in data visualization with DITA in education. It serves as the foundation for organizing and presenting information in a structured and standardized format, enabling educational institutions to leverage this data for creating meaningful visualizations that aid in understanding educational performance and other relevant metrics.

Structured Data as the Foundation

Structured data acts as the backbone for educational data visualization in DITA. This data is often stored in XML or JSON format, which allows for consistent and organized representation of educational metrics. DITA leverages this structured data to generate various types of visualizations, including charts, graphs, and tables. This foundation ensures that the data is correctly interpreted and presented, providing educators with insights to improve student performance and learning outcomes.


Here’s an example demonstrating how structured data is used in data visualization with DITA:

<topic id="student_performance_visualization">
  <title>Student Performance Visualization</title>
  <content>Below is an example of a bar chart that visualizes student performance data.</content>
  <visualization chart-type="bar-chart">
    <data-source format="json">student_performance.json</data-source>
      <x-axis title="Students" />
      <y-axis title="Performance" />

In this example, a DITA topic titled “Student Performance Visualization” references structured data in JSON format stored in a file named “student_performance.json.” This data is then utilized to create a bar chart that visualizes student performance, with axes labeled appropriately. DITA’s ability to work with structured data ensures that educators can effectively convey complex information through visualizations.