How are educational documents generated and published from DITA sources?

Generating and publishing educational documents from DITA sources involves a well-defined process that ensures the transformation of structured content into various output formats. Here’s an overview of how this is achieved:

Authoring and Structuring in DITA

Content creation begins with authoring in DITA-compliant XML. Authors structure the content using predefined elements, organizing information into topics, sections, and modules. This structured content is vital for reusability and consistency across educational materials.

Transformation to Multiple Formats

After the content is authored, it’s time for transformation. DITA sources are processed using transformation tools. These tools can generate a range of output formats, including HTML for web delivery, PDF for print, and EPUB for e-books. The transformation process involves applying style sheets, templates, and configurations to customize the appearance of the documents.

Publishing Educational Documents

Once the transformation is complete, educational documents can be published to various platforms. HTML versions can be uploaded to websites, PDFs can be printed and distributed physically or digitally, and EPUBs can be made available on e-book platforms. The publishing method depends on the institution’s distribution requirements and the preferences of the end users.


Here’s an example of how DITA sources are transformed into educational documents:

<topic id="course_outline">
  <title>Course Outline</title>
  <content>Structured content in DITA XML.</content>

In this simple example, a DITA topic is authored and structured. It can be transformed into various formats, such as HTML, PDF, or EPUB, to create educational documents for different delivery channels.