What are the best practices for preparing IT content for translation in DITA?

Preparing IT content for translation in DITA involves following best practices to ensure efficient and accurate translations. Here are some key guidelines for preparing DITA content for translation:

1. Use Language Tags: Begin by tagging content with language codes using the xml:lang attribute. This attribute specifies the language of the content. Properly tagging content is essential to inform translation management systems about the languages involved in the document.


<!-- Example of language tagging -->
<title xml_lang="en">User Manual</title>
<section xml_lang="fr">
  <title>Manuel de l'utilisateur</title>
  <p>Ce manuel vous guidera à travers le processus.</p>

2. Simplify Sentence Structure: Write clear and concise sentences with straightforward sentence structures. Complex sentence structures can lead to misunderstandings in translation. Keeping the source text simple and to the point improves translation quality.

3. Avoid Ambiguity: Ensure that your content is free from ambiguities and culturally specific references. These can be challenging to translate accurately. Choose unambiguous words and avoid colloquialisms or jargon that may not have direct equivalents in other languages.


<!-- Example of avoiding ambiguity -->
<p xml_lang="en">Click 'Next' to proceed.</p>
<p xml_lang="fr">Cliquez sur 'Suivant' pour continuer.</p>