How are defense DITA specializations documented and communicated within defense organizations?

Documenting and communicating defense DITA specializations within defense organizations is crucial to ensure that teams can effectively use and adhere to these specialized standards. This process involves creating comprehensive documentation that outlines the specifics of the specialization, its guidelines, and its use cases. Moreover, it involves communicating this documentation to relevant stakeholders within the organization.

Specialization Documentation

Specialization documentation typically includes detailed information about the purpose of the specialization, the elements and attributes it introduces or modifies, and any constraints or guidelines for its use. This documentation serves as a reference for authors and developers who need to work with the specialization. It often includes examples and best practices to illustrate how to use the specialization effectively. Additionally, it may provide guidance on how the specialization aligns with industry-specific standards and regulations, such as NIST or DoD requirements.


Effective communication of the specialization documentation is essential. This can involve training sessions, workshops, or seminars to educate teams about the specialization’s importance and usage. Specialization documents may also be made available on internal knowledge bases or documentation portals for easy access. Collaborative tools and forums can facilitate discussions and knowledge sharing among team members working with the specialization. Furthermore, assigning specialization champions or experts who can provide guidance and support to other team members can enhance the adoption of these standards.


Here’s an example of how documentation for a defense DITA specialization can be structured:

  <title>Defense Technical Specification
      This document outlines the Defense Technical Specification (DTS), a specialization of DITA tailored for defense industry documentation.
    <element name="security-classification">
      <description>Specifies the security classification of the document.</description>
      <usage-guidelines>Use this element to indicate the document's security level (e.g., Unclassified, Confidential, Secret).</usage-guidelines>
    <element name="military-terms">
      <description>Introduces specialized military terminology.</description>
      <usage-guidelines>Use this element to define and explain military terms used in the document.</usage-guidelines>
      <title>Using the security-classification element
        To specify the security classification of a document, use the <security-classification> element with appropriate values such as "Unclassified," "Confidential," or "Secret."

In this example, the specialization documentation provides an overview, details about introduced elements and attributes, and usage examples to guide authors working with the Defense Technical Specification specialization.