What role does structured data (e.g., XML, JSON) play in data visualization with DITA in aerospace?

Structured data, such as XML and JSON, plays a pivotal role in data visualization with DITA in the aerospace industry. Aerospace documentation often deals with complex performance metrics, technical specifications, and other data that need to be presented in a clear and understandable manner. Structured data formats provide a foundation for organizing and transmitting this data to create meaningful visualizations.

For example, XML can be used to structure and store performance metrics data, such as flight data, engine parameters, or maintenance records. This structured data can be seamlessly integrated into DITA documentation. Here’s a snippet of how XML data might be structured for aerospace performance metrics:

<!-- Example: Structured XML data for aerospace performance metrics -->

This structured XML data can be used as a source for generating dynamic charts, graphs, and tables within DITA documentation. By utilizing DITA-OT extensions or customizations, this structured data can be transformed into visual representations that aid in better understanding aerospace performance metrics. Whether it’s plotting flight paths, analyzing fuel consumption trends, or visualizing maintenance data, structured data forms the basis for meaningful data visualizations in the aerospace domain.