How is content access control and user permissions managed in aerospace knowledge bases built with DITA?

Managing content access control and user permissions in aerospace knowledge bases built with DITA is essential for ensuring that the right individuals have appropriate access to sensitive information. Aerospace organizations can achieve this through various mechanisms:

1. User Roles: DITA allows organizations to define different user roles and associate specific permissions with each role. For example, roles like “Content Author,” “Reviewer,” and “Administrator” can be established. Organizations can control who has access to creating, editing, or publishing content by assigning these roles to users.

2. Conditional Processing: DITA enables conditional processing based on user attributes or roles. This means that content can be filtered or customized according to the user’s profile. For instance, certain sections of documentation might be hidden from users without the appropriate permissions. This can be managed using DITA’s conditional processing attributes in the XML structure.

3. Example:

In this example, we showcase how DITA can be used to manage user permissions through conditional processing:

<!-- Example of Conditional Processing in DITA -->
<topic id="confidential-safety-data">
  <title>Confidential Safety Data</title>
    <condition audience="admin"> <p>This section contains confidential safety data only accessible to administrators.</p> </condition>
    <condition audience="content-author"> <p>Content authors have access to edit and review this section.</p> </condition>
    <condition audience="reviewer"> <p>Reviewers can review but not edit this sensitive safety data.</p> </condition>

In this example, conditional processing is used to control who can access and edit the “Confidential Safety Data” section based on their assigned roles, ensuring that sensitive information is appropriately protected.