Are there standardized DITA specialization profiles for aerospace documentation?

Creating standardized DITA specialization profiles for aerospace documentation is a common practice in the industry. These profiles are essential for ensuring consistency and compliance with aerospace documentation standards. While the specific profiles may vary between organizations, they typically share common elements and structures tailored to aerospace requirements.

Common Elements in Aerospace Specialization Profiles

Standardized DITA specialization profiles for aerospace documentation often include predefined elements and attributes that are specific to the industry. These elements may cover topics such as aerospace procedures, technical data, safety guidelines, and more. Attributes related to compliance, revision control, and document classification are also common in these profiles.

Structural Conventions

In addition to specific elements and attributes, aerospace specialization profiles define structural conventions. These conventions determine how content is organized and presented in documentation. For example, they may specify the hierarchy of topics, the use of tables for technical data, and the placement of safety warnings within documents.


Here’s an example of a simplified DITA specialization profile snippet for aerospace procedures:

    <title>Aerospace Procedure</title>

This DITA specialization profile snippet defines a custom document type “AerospaceProcedure” based on the standard “task” element. It also introduces an additional element “AerospaceStep” and attributes “compliance” and “revision-history” specific to aerospace procedures.