How do organizations ensure that links to APIs and code documentation support developer productivity in DITA outputs?

To ensure that links to APIs and code documentation support developer productivity in DITA outputs, organizations must follow several best practices. These practices are essential for creating effective and efficient developer documentation that helps developers find and use APIs and code resources. Here are some key strategies:

1. Use Descriptive Link Text: When creating links to APIs and code documentation, it’s crucial to use descriptive link text. This helps developers quickly understand what the linked resource contains. For example:

<xref href="api-reference.dita">API Reference Documentation</xref>

2. Organize Code Topics: Maintain a well-organized structure for code-related topics and documentation. Group related code resources together, and create clear sections for different types of code documentation (e.g., API reference, code samples, code libraries).

3. Provide Examples: It can be helpful to include code examples within your documentation. These examples should be wrapped in <pre> tags and provide real-world code snippets that demonstrate how to use the API or code library. Here’s an example:

// Example JavaScript code
function calculateTotal(price, quantity) {
  return price * quantity;

By following these practices, organizations can ensure that links to APIs and code documentation are clear, well-organized, and support developer productivity when using DITA outputs.