Can links to related content support the creation of content recommendation systems in DITA?

Integrating links to related content in DITA can indeed serve as a foundation for creating content recommendation systems, enhancing user engagement and content discoverability. Content recommendation systems analyze the relationships between various topics and provide users with suggestions for additional content that might be relevant or of interest. This functionality is especially valuable in contexts where users seek comprehensive knowledge or explore related topics within a particular subject matter.

Here’s an example of how links to related content can support the creation of content recommendation systems in DITA:

    <link-group keys="related-topics">Related Topics</link-group>
    <link href="related-topic1.dita">Related Topic 1: Advanced Features</link>
    <link href="related-topic2.dita">Related Topic 2: Troubleshooting</link>

In this example, the topicmeta element includes links to related topics, categorized under the “Related Topics” link group. By establishing such relationships, organizations can create recommendation systems that leverage these links to suggest relevant content to users based on their current reading preferences and content navigation patterns. These systems can enhance the user’s experience by providing a personalized and interconnected learning journey.