Are there conventions for categorizing and organizing links to related content in DITA?

In DITA XML, there are established conventions for categorizing and organizing links to related content, enabling clear and effective navigation within documentation. To categorize and organize links, DITA provides the <related-links> element, which is typically placed within a <topicmeta> section. Here are some conventions for categorizing and organizing related links:

1. Grouping by Type: It’s common to categorize related links based on their type or purpose. This helps users quickly find the relevant information they are looking for. For instance, you can group links into categories like “Further Reading,” “Related Topics,” “Additional Resources,” or “References.”


    <link-group keys="further-reading">Further Reading</link-group>
    <link href="topic1.dita">Topic 1</link>
    <link href="topic2.dita">Topic 2</link>
    <link href="topic3.dita">Topic 3</link>
    <link-group keys="related-topics">Related Topics</link-group>
    <link href="related-topic1.dita">Related Topic 1</link>
    <link href="related-topic2.dita">Related Topic 2</link>

In this example, related links are organized into two categories, “Further Reading” and “Related Topics,” to provide clarity and structure for users.

2. Adding Descriptive Titles: Each link can have a descriptive title, making it clear to users what the linked content is about. This title can be placed within the <link> element to provide context and help users decide if they want to click on the link.


    <link-group keys="references">References</link-group>
    <link href="reference1.pdf">Official Documentation for Product A</link>
    <link href="reference2.pdf">User Manual for Product B</link>

In this case, the titles “Official Documentation for Product A” and “User Manual for Product B” provide users with a clear understanding of what each reference contains.