How are tables and lists linked in DITA XML?

Linking tables and lists in DITA XML provides a structured and efficient way to create relationships between different pieces of content. These links help users navigate and understand complex information. Here’s an explanation of how tables and lists can be linked in DITA XML:

1. Linking Tables: In DITA XML, you can link tables by defining relationships between them using elements like <related-links> or by embedding one table within another. For example, to create a related link between two tables:

  <link href="table1.dita" format="dita" scope="local" type="reltable"/>
  <link href="table2.dita" format="dita" scope="local" type="reltable"/>

2. Linking Lists: To link lists in DITA, you can reference other lists or topics within the content. For example, you can reference a list of terminology definitions from a topic as follows:

<list type="simple">
    <ph>Definition 1</ph> <keyword keyref="glossary.dita#term1"/>
    <ph>Definition 2</ph> <keyword keyref="glossary.dita#term2"/>

By linking tables and lists in DITA XML, you can create a network of structured content that enhances the navigation and understanding of information within your documentation, making it more user-friendly and informative.