How are external links used to reference content outside of the DITA topic?

External links in DITA XML serve as valuable tools for referencing content located outside of a DITA topic or document. These links allow authors to connect their DITA topics to external resources such as websites, documents, or other non-DITA content, providing readers with access to additional reference material and related information. External links are used to enrich DITA content by directing readers to relevant external sources.

Here is an example of how external links are employed to reference content outside of a DITA topic:

<!-- Example of an External Link in DITA XML -->
<p>For detailed information about DITA best practices, you can refer to the <link href="" title="DITA Best Practices PDF">DITA Best Practices PDF</link> available on our website.</p>

In this example, the <link> element is used to create an external link. The href attribute specifies the URL or path to the external resource, and the title attribute defines the link’s title or label. The text enclosed within the <link> element becomes the visible anchor text that readers can click to access the external content. By using external links, DITA authors can seamlessly integrate external resources and references into their documentation, making it more informative and comprehensive.