How do organizations handle the localization of variable and context-dependent content in DITA?

When it comes to handling the localization of variable and context-dependent content in DITA, organizations need to implement strategies that maintain consistency and ensure the accuracy of content across different languages. Here are key considerations for achieving this:

Content Variables

DITA provides mechanisms for managing content variables that can change based on language or context. These variables can include product names, version numbers, or other context-specific information. Organizations can use DITA attributes to define and manage these variables, allowing for dynamic replacement during the localization process. This ensures that the content remains relevant and contextually accurate in each target language.

Conditional Text

Conditional text is essential for addressing context-dependent content. DITA supports conditional processing attributes that enable organizations to include or exclude content based on specific conditions, such as language. By defining conditional processing profiles for each target language, organizations can control the display of content elements in a context-aware manner. This ensures that the right content is presented to the right audience in their language.

Localization Example:

Here’s an example of how DITA allows for the management of content variables and conditional text:

<topic id="product_info" language="en">
  <title>Product Information</title>
    <p>This is <ph product="product-name">a great product</ph> with version <ph product="version">2.0</ph>.


In this example, DITA attributes are used to manage variables like product name and version. Conditional text can be applied based on the language attribute, ensuring that the content is presented correctly for each target language.